Florence – a socially engaged agile coach and passionate jazz musician
Florence is an agile coach and SCRUM master, working in a medium-sized tech-company that advances into an area of interactive, digital customer engagements, going beyond UX User Experience – they call it UR User Relationship…
Florence leads a small team and believes in relationships, shared responsibilities, self-determination, high-performance and working together for the greater good whilst appreciating consensus, fairness and transparency. She enjoys leading and being part of a team that determines its own fate. Some team members value the relationships, interactions and their colleagues more than the job itself, and go out of their way to help and live for overall growth. All for one, … .
Florence lives in a closely knit community that is part of a cluster of small communities – a so called Holon – mostly self-organised around principles of regeneration, and gender-, racial-, economic-, social equity. She is also a passionate Jazz musician and she will share how that same dynamics relates to her agile work.