Eli – a performance driven player who thrives on competition
Eli is an ambitious go-getter with an entrepreneurial mindset.As a former professional athlete, he heads a business unit at ‘PerformVentures’, a data-driven consultancy. Eli’s business unit invests…
into the latest research and tech around human performance. The app they are working on is targeted at athletes but ultimately at everyone who needs to perform at their best. He enjoys living in times of increasing digitalisation in almost all aspects of life but sees the risk to lose the human focus. He wants to use technology to support people reaching their fullest potential, not the other way round.
He works with a team but equally appreciates autonomy and competition and is keen on reaching performance measures and tough KPIs. He loves a bit of competition and the fact that he deserves cool products and status symbols when he reaches them. Wait to see what kind of dog breed he has.