Future of Leadership: Where do we go from here?

How to make sense of an ever-growing list of leadership styles and management practices.

21st century leadership has evolved into a more human-centred, collaborative approach.

The global pandemic has been quite a catalyst for change. Many companies have had to organise themselves virtually, managed to work it out and are now seeing many of the benefits; lasting changes seem inevitable. Leaders and employees alike had to quickly adapt respectively to leading and being managed remotely and it has been a rollercoaster for all. Many people are questioning where we go from here. Gen-Z, for one, are desperate for changes and their influence is growing.

New buzzwords about 21st-century styles have emerged, such as systems leadership, adaptive leadership, and servant leadership. There is also a growing interest in modern management practices such as SEMCO Style, Google’s re:Work, Holacracy, Sociocracy 3.0, Responsive.org, Teal & Reinventing Organizations. How does all of this relate?

Join us for an interactive and colourful session where we explore what is possible, how different practices can be implemented, and the journey leaders and employees can take to help their businesses best adapt.

Target audience


  • Provide cultural context to better help implement modern management practices and new leadership styles
  • Discover organisational drivers and their relevance
  • Understand how change is about first orchestrating and then ‘jazzing it’
  • Learn why Gen-Z’s requests are worth listening to


  • Universal road-map to develop leaders and organisations
  • Overview of leadership styles, management practices and their natural cultural fit
  • List of practical examples for step-by-step development


Profile of speaker

Rhys is an executive and founder with an interest in aligning business strategy with leadership, people and organisational development. He used to start and scale companies in emerging markets and understood early on how crucial leadership is to the overall success of a business. He has diverse, global experience having worked in start-ups, family businesses, SMEs and corporations in ten countries.

He is a performance driver who thrives on continuous improvement and by collaborating at all levels with trust, transparency, ownership and equality. He is a passionate systems-thinker with international experience assessing leaders’ change readiness and enabling executives and employees alike to understand how they can contribute to effective strategy implementation.

Over the last 20 years, Rhys has worked as a trainer, coach, facilitator, consultant, keynote speaker and blended learning developer. He enjoys designing road maps, engaging people and orchestrating transformational change programmes with the occasional deep dive to ensure sustainable change at an operational level.

Rhys recently published The Turquoise Brick Road, one of the more unusual business books to hit the shelves with 8 stories and over 500 illustrations. With this book, Rhys is on a mission to make the Graves Values System (aka Spiral Dynamics, Integral Theory, Reinventing / TEAL Organizations) more accessible, and help individuals and corporations alike apply the learnings to real-life situations.

For more information, please go to www.TheTurquoiseBrickRoad.com/

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