“A Strategy for Your Strategy” [by invite only]


In business, there is hardly a topic so important, so much discussed that so many people are unclear about. In conversations many people don’t even differentiate between strategy development and execution.

We know from experience that strategy very much depends on the people involved and the especially the business context; horses for courses. Many people we have met have developed tools, wrote books, and then tried to apply the one logic to all kinds of situations, as if hammering everything that looks like a nail.

The one-size-fits-all method of the world needs to come to an end. During this lively session we take a fresh and more natural approach. Come and play.


Target audience

  • Professionals who want to gain more clarify about strategy
  • People involved in strategy development and implementation



  • Understand how much strategy is part of personal preference and business context
  • Gain insight into one logic which matches business and market maturity
  • Experience the level of confusion and importance of shared clarity
  • Enjoy a lively session where we share challenges and learn from each other



  • List of the 4 universal steps of anything you do around strategy
  • Overview of 4 main cultural contexts [covers 85% of Western business world]
  • Logic for developing your own strategy toolbox with 16 compartments
  • Access link to 2 freemium questionnaires


Guest’s Profile

Rhys grew up in a family business where he had the chance to look behind the curtain of some of the executive strategy development; a rather sobering experience. Rhys used to set and scaleup companies for corporations in emerging markets which gave him hands-on experience when it comes to strategy execution.

Nowadays he advises startups, family business, SMEs and corporations on strategy development and implementation. Also, he is a senior lecturer at Pearson Business School where he lectures the business strategy module at masters’ level. In general, Rhys is known for being quite critical, encouraging others to rethink and to find a way forward which is most suitable to them and their business.

For more information, please go to www.gpionline.com/business-lead/


Business Series

We run these “In conversation with… business” sessions every 2nd Wednesday of the month. The overall idea is to demonstrate with real-life examples how useful the Graves’ framework is when it comes to mastering business challenges.

We briefly introduce the relevant parts at the beginning of a session to provide some context, delve into some real-life examples and then give everyone the opportunity to challenge and share. We are all in this together.

The real advantage comes from using the same logic and applying it to different contexts. Every time we do this we gain additional insight which increases our ability to see the bigger picture; nothing is lost.


Personal Motivation

There is no commercial interest in this. I am doing this because I believe humankind misses a trick if we don’t utilise this development framework more. I even went one step further and created a bookwww.TheTurquoiseBrickRoad.com which brings the levels – in 8 stories with over 500 visuals – to life. All this work is a hefty investment and I am not sure what the ROI looks like but I have a 13 year old daughter and I worry about her future.

If you are interested or have someone in mind, please get in touch with Rhys or Kerstin.


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